Saturday, June 27, 2009

Can I just tell you how tired I am today??

We were up at 6..ON A SATURDAY! Our small group was slotted to deliver food for the city mission. It was fun, and makes you feel good to help others! I would do it more often if I could. The kids didn't appreciate being in the car for so long though!

Anyways, not much happened today. I did go out and shoot some pictures! I have a project due and needed to get them done. I have one more I need to do then I can print them! YAY!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Darn it

I forgot yesterday again! No excuse really, just been forgetful lately. I think it has something to do with the depression? I dunno! Hmm, nothing exciting happened yesterday, just a normal day with my kids. Jeremy has been in an AP class all week, so he hasn't been home during the day, so basically just like his normal school days! Oh, you know what I hate? I took chicken out to defrost right? Jeremy calls and asks if I want pizza. Ok, pizza is yummy and I don't have to cook! BUT, we forgot to put the chicken away yesterday! Woke up and look, there's still chicken on the counter! Ack! And of course yesterday was garbage day, so I have to bag it up and put it in the fridge till Monday morning anyway so it doesn't stink up my garage. But man, all that chicken wasted! I hate when I do that crap. forgetfull I tell ya. I need post it notes stuck everywhere to remind me of crap!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Go me!

Ok, so class wasn't as bad as I was expecting! I even got an A! 19/20, not too shabby! Got our next assignment, and it seems a little tougher than the last. I have to actually do 5 pictures and print and mount them by next Wed!

On to other news..actually, i don't really have anything else. Oh! I did almost get rear ended today! I was coming up to a stop light, and something told me to stop further away from the car than I normally do, so I did. I looked in my rear view mirror and see a car coming. It kept coming and coming and I just knew I was going to get hit! I braced myself for it and closed my eyes, waiting. I had nowhere else to go. I kept my eyes closed, tried not to tense up as I waited. I heard brakes squeal and waited for the impact, but it never came! I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror, there was no one there. I looked to my left and the car was beside me in the oncoming traffic lane! Talk about close! I quickly thanked God and went along my merry way. I then decided to go to Jack in the Box for lunch. food has not been my friend lately! Everywhere I go they mess up my order! I order the bacon cheddar fries instead of the regular fries. I get to school, open them up and there's some funky white gravy crap with sausage bits in it! WTH!? I didn't even bother with it, just threw it away. Crappy fast food places messing up my orders!

Wish me luck!

today is the day I turn in my first picture! I'm kind of nervous because I don't really know what's expected. AND my other classmates will be critiquing my work! Eek! Ah well, at least everyone is in the same boat as me, right?

Monday, June 22, 2009

I messed up!

So, today in class a few of us went to mount our prints so we can turn them in on Wed. it was fairly easy, and I did the mounting right, but I smudged my picture!!!!!!!! Can you believe that crap? I was so upset I almost cried! I had to erase the pencil marks and the eraser fuzz, or whatever it's called, got on the picture. I tried to wipe it off softly with my cotton glove, but it smeared the picture! Stoopid glossy photo paper :( Luckily I had another picture I could mount and the teacher there gave me a mounting board to use, otherwise I'd have to get it done before class on Wed! This whole photographer thing is a lot more difficult than I thought!

Missed a day..AGAIN!

But, it was Fathers Day, and I did my best to stay away from the computer and spend the time with my hubby. It was a good day though! Went to church yesterday morning, went and got some stuff for my class, then hung out at home till it was time for bible study. Had fun there too, as it was our last one for the summer, so we had a potluck and mostly chatted with the other people. Sometimes that's better than doing the study guides! I hope my hubby had a good day, he says he did!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday already!

Glad it's the summer time and I can spend more time with the hubby. Weekends go by way too fast. Last night was Bunco! Bunco is soo much fun! Sitting around with a big group of women, most of them drinking, being loud, just having fun. Wish it could happen more than one a month! Ah well, I'd get burnt out then if it did. Also had a dentist appt on Thursday, that was fun..yeah, right! I am NOT a fan of the dentist. I went for a cleaning, but crap it still hurt! She used a water pic thing on my that feels like it's slicing off your gums! Who the heck makes these things? It does not feel good to have water shooting into your mouth at God knows what speed to get the crap between your teeth. This is what they make floss for! I am a fan of floss, not a fan of the water crap. I think if they come near me with that thing again I will cry!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Learning new stuff!

So, I am in a photography class this summer. I was hoping to learn how to use my camera (Ha!) but it's more about how to take pictures, photoshop them, print and mount them! Still fun, so I will stick with it. Always fun to learn something new! Guess I have to actually read my manual :O I have taken some pretty neat pictures, but some awful ones too. Hey! I'm still learning! Anyways, today we learned how to photoshop our pictures. That will take time to learn all of it, and it would be nice to actually have photoshop here at home! but, here is my pretty picture I took (this is the unphotoshopped version, sorry!)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today was park day

I really should get the pics on the computer so you all (whoever reads this) can see my day! Like i said, today was park day. Every Tuesday, if I like the park, is park day. Today was no different, other than my son hurt himself like the entire time we were there! He did fine at the beginning, but it seems when he hurts himself once it all goes downhill from there. Him and another kid collided at the water feature. He hurt a few of his toes. We fixed him up. But that wasn't the end. He just kept hurting himself falling, bumping his head here and there. We said it was time to go. Got tired of listening to him scream! The rest of the day he was injury free, YAY! We just chilled out at home, played in the backyard (I love having a backyard BTW), BBQd some steaks and then the kids had their baths and went to bed. I think I love bedtime more than I love having a backyard. Bedtime is the best time of the day! I am sure any mother of kids will agree with me! So here I sit, on Tuesday night, chatting with my husband on Facebook..yes, he is right across the room from me, keeping up my promise to my faithful reader (hopefully readers soon?) to write a tid bit of my life. Never knew I was oh so interesting, did you?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Today was egh

Wasn't great, but wasn't bad either. Was just Egh. Egh is a cool word.

A combination of Ugh, Eh, and Meh, 'egh' describes a state of apathy towards something that would normally draw your ire or disgust if you cared enough to care.
So, instead of:

"You despise me, don't you?"
"If I gave you any thought, I probably would"

You get: "You despise me, don't you?"

This is from Urban Dictionary. They have egh in there! I knew I was the only weird one who used that word.

Anywho, today I went to school..have to learn how to use my camera. been in school a week and still don't know how to use it! I really should find the book, huh? Also went to the grocery store, fun! Then came home and hung out with the family. the hubby and I did make cookies after the kids went to bed. Nothing better than fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookies!

Missed 2 days

but it wasn't my fault! our internet was down! We had to get a new modem and of course they couldn't come right now! So, I had to wait...

Friday, June 12, 2009

It's starting!

Yes! I do need to start this, so why not now?? This technically happened yesterday, but that's ok, the pictures are on the computer today! So, today may have 2 posts, oops! Ah well, no one is perfect, right?
Anyways, I took the kids to the dolphin habitat at the Mirage yesterday. They had fun, which, when you have little kids, is all that matters, right? Doesn't matter how much it cost, the fact that it was warm, or anything, because as soon as you see the excitement in their eyes it makes it all worth it. We got to see dolphins, of course, and tigers, a lion and a leopard! Now, the leopard was the fun one. He was a baby, 6 months old, and as soon as we walked up he set eyes on my daughter! I am assuming it was lunch time for the cat, and Bronwynn was the perfect size. He kept stalking her! He'd walk back and forth, just in front of her, making sounds, andyou know he wished that fence was not there! I, for one, am very thankful for that fence. I don't want my baby girl to be the cats lunch. Anyways, here's a picture of the cute little guy! You can see he wants to eat her!